What is ERRC or Public Safety DAS?

ERRC Systems: Emergency Responder Radio Communication (ERRC) Systems are critical for ensuring First Responders have trusted and adequate communication when conducting lifesaving operations withing buildings.

ERRC Systems: Are designed to amplify weak radio Signals coverage caused by modern
building design and materials.

Assuring Great Outcomes

Loss of communication between First Responders during emergencies can lead to tragic outcomes.

Which Jurisdictional Body Enforces ERRC Systems

The Authority having Jurisdiction (AHJ) Varies by locality, but usually falls upon the:

  • NFPA A.3.2.2

building Codes and regulations

Many jurisdictions require a Signal strength Survey of New and Existing Buildings, thus Insuring 95% coverage of -95db or better on all floors before issuing a Certificate of Occupancy (COO).

  • 510.1; NFPA 1221,224

Our Process

  1. Analysis: Our team will assess the current Radio Frequency coverage and identify  dead spots that are in need of improvement.
  2. Design and Installation: Based on our analysis, we will design a custom solution tailored to your unique needs and install the equipment to ensure optimal performance.
  3. Local Government & Safety Regulations: We will work the Local Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) & with local Public Safety agencies to ensure that your building is compliant with all applicable local codes.
  4. Commissioning, Testing & Integration: Our team will test and commission the system to make sure it’s working smoothly and seamlessly integrate it into your existing infrastructure.
  5. Maintenance, Troubleshooting, and Upgrades: Our team is always available to provide ongoing support, troubleshoot any issues, and upgrade your system as needed to keep you connected.

How Does It Work?

It consists of components like;

  • Bi-Directional Amplifiers (BDAs) that Amplify weak Radio signals.
  • Distributed Antenna Systems (DAS) Distribute the Amplified Radio Signals
    on every floor providing comprehensive coverage.

Ensuring Proper Installation & Compliance

  • We understand the nuances of National, State and Local Codes & Regulations.
  • Ensuring that your ERRC System installation is not only effective but compliant with all governing standards.

Who We Are

At QCTV we have more than 36 years of Radio Frequency Knowledge & Experience installing state of the art equipment. Which is why you can rest assured that your (ERRC) System: Design, Installation and Maintenance Project will be done right the first time. Our systems are designed by:

  • Professional Engineers (PE)
  • General Radio Operator License Holder (GROL).

A Trusted Partner

Experience the peace of mind that comes with working with a company with extensive experience in (ERRC) Systems Installations.

Satisfied Clients

Join the growing list of satisfied customers who have entrusted their Safety to QCTV.